Faith formation is a life-long process. The formation of families in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ is a responsibility and sacred gift that is promised at the Baptism of Children. The parents must be involved in their own growth in the faith as well as faithfully and fully handing on the teaching and practice of the faith to their children. There is nothing more important than faith and the living out of our adoption as sons and daughters of God. As one noted priest put it: “This is a matter of life and death; and we do not want to lose this battle, for it is for eternity.”
Mary Queen of Heaven takes seriously the teaching of Holy Mother Church: the family and the home is the domestic Church and the parents the first teachers of the faith. This means that the place of the parents is privileged and bears a great responsibility to faithfully teach the fullness of faith. The Church, our Mother, nurtures and guides, giving support and ensuring the faithfulness and fidelity of these teachings. The cooperative nature of formation should be in constant harmony, for we all have but one teacher: Jesus Christ.
A couple of references about the Family Home, the Domestic Church, from the Catechism of the Catholic Church are very useful:
CCC 1656 In our own time, in a world often alien and even hostile to faith, believing families are of primary importance as centers of living, radiant faith. For this reason the Second Vatican Council, using an ancient expression, calls the family the Ecclesia domestica (the domestic Church) (Lumen gentium 11). It is in the bosom of the family that parents are “by word and example . . . the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children. They should encourage them in the vocation which is proper to each child, fostering with special care any religious vocation.” (Lumen gentuim 11).
CCC 1657 It is here that the father of the family, the mother, children, and all members of the family exercise the priesthood of the baptized in a privileged way “by the reception of the sacraments, prayer and thanksgiving, the witness of a holy life, and self-denial and active charity. ”(Lumen gentium 10). Thus the home is the first school of Christian life and “a school for human enrichment. ”(Gaudium et spes 52 #1). Here one learns endurance and the joy of work, fraternal love, generous – even repeated – forgiveness, and above all divine worship in prayer and the offering of one’s life.