Those persons who offer themselves at the service of the parish on occasions when Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed are greatly appreciated. They need to be Practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church, should receive the Sacrament of Confession regularly, and are strongly encouraged to pray the Liturgy of the Hours at least for Morning and Evening Prayer. Those who serve at any particular Mass should receive the Sacrament of Confession prior to the Mass to ensure that they are in a state of grace when serving. They are also encouraged to help take Communion to the homebound.
If you would like to serve in one capacity or the other please contact the church office.
Top: Adrian Solis, Dominic Jimenez, Damien Jimenez
Bottom: Kolbe Jimenez, Xavier Jimenez, Joseph Jimenez
Altar servers assist the priest during Mass. Their name derives from the Latin word "memorare" which means "to serve."
The Lector serves the liturgical assembly by proclaiming the Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The worthy exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it with more open hearts. Such regular public nourishment with the biblical Word helps to sustain the community and contributes to its ongoing conversion and mission
If interested in becoming a lector, please contact the church office.
The holy preparations with which Sacristans are entrusted are the basic framework for the beautiful and sacred objects that are used and carried out before, during and after Mass. It is a serious duty that must be undertaken with care and wisdom.
If interested in becoming a Sacristan, please contact the church office.